Welcome! We are glad to see you at our site. Even if you are here accidentally, we hope that you will find something interesting and useful for yourself.
What are we...
   The design studio RUST is a subdivision of the company "PushOk Software"; it is a small group of designers and programmers. We are a young, dynamical and progressive design studio - we are march in step with time. Every our employee is an extraodinary and creative personality. You can characterize us as a Creative Group. We carry out our job fast and professionally.

What do we offer...
   Our design studio specializes in the projects, focused first of all on Internet. We develop and professionally create the sites of the widest profile and electronic presentations. Also we offer the services in style creation of your company. Our goal is to carry out the work effectively and with maximal quality. All our partners are equal for us - no matter if they are a holding or a small firm. And we pleased to maintain the professional relations further.
Our views...
   We consider, that every cooperation brings a qualitative result only in case all the participants in the cooperation perform their obligations equally responsible. We are talking now not so much about the question of payment, but about helping each other in the cooperation.
   Every person has his own taste, his concept of beauty, of design, of life… We think that you understand, what we are speaking about. Anyway we will do our best to make our partner satisfied with the executed order.
   Every labour must be paid, moreover the payment must be proportional to a performed work.
   The work must be estimated not only by the time of its performing but also by the quality of that performing.